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We are excited to introduce ‘THE SQUAD’ as our valued partner for music production services. Comprising a talented collective of producers, composers, and writers, The Squad collaborates with publishers, labels, and artists to deliver original and unreleased work. Their expertise lies in supplying music industry professionals with top-notch compositions tailored to meet the creative needs of various projects. With The Squad on board, we are proud to offer a diverse range of musical creations to elevate your productions to new heights. Welcome to a partnership that promises innovation, creativity, and exceptional musical experiences.

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About us

Located in Belgium, ColorWorld Studio is a fully-equipped production house and studio offering professional production, recording, composing and mixing in a comfortable and creative environment. The studio is equipped with a top-of-the line roster of gear to achieve the unique sound of each project we develop.

Our Mission

Helping brands engage and create meaningful connections with their audience. We offer solutions based on the characteristics of their own local market, while leveraging the power of entertainment, content and experimental marketing.


What we do

ColorWorld offers a unique approach to brand marketing. Whether your brand is looking to shift perception, reach a new generation, boost sales or build loyalty, we will help you define your voice in culture.


We think strategically and creatively to produce branded experiences and campaigns for clients around the globe. From long-form and short-form content to immersive events. Original compositions to live showcases. We don’t do ordinary and neither should you.